Thursday, October 21, 2021

Social Website Occupations

 LinkedIn Open Positions

About: Available Non Paid Jobs

 The available positions below are actual training positions that can help anyone who is looking to gain some REAL Job/Work Experience and qualifies as Employment and Training or Education and Training under The State TANF Guidelines and the Workforce Investment Act for Income Tax purposes. These jobs can count as what's called Work-activities for any Passive Job Seeker.


Super admin

This role manages everything on the Page. It’s the only role that can edit the Page and manage all admins.

Content admin

This role posts and manages content, comments as the Page, and exports analytics.


This role only views and exports analytics on LinkedIn and will have limited access on 3rd party partners tools.

Advertising, Accounting, Careers, Business, Finance, Economics, PR, Marketing, Child Support, Taxes, General


Job Monsta your source for career, business, personal finance, economics, workforce development, taxes, child support and advise. Read career advice from Job Monster's proven experts.

Limit Of Liability

The Advise and Strategies contained in our website herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Job Monsta shall not be liable for damages arising herefrom. 



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