Tuesday, September 28, 2021

IRS FEIN and You


About: Federal Employer Identification Number

This FEIN is considered equal to your Social Security # for any person. This number is used by the IRS Internal Revenue Service to identify ones business to ones government and even other professional business entities as well. This number is also used many times in ones important business documents too.

Even if one does not have any employees the FEIN is required for almost all businesses even those that do not have any employees in particular. in addition you would are required to fill out Form SS4 which could be downloaded via The Internal Revenue website.

This is just one of the other many small steps to getting your business established along with a Dun and Bradstreet number as well depending on if one really wants to be taken seriously whilst building ones business profile as well.

In addition if your an Amazon Affiliate you should also add your Small Business Operating Agreement and your IRS Tax Interview Documents with your FEIN.  In this particular situation you could just use your Amazon Store number and Tax Interview Documents to identify your business with your government as a start and then follow up with your FEIN later on. This helps to build credibility with both small an large business and your government along with your website policies if you operating in the 'Gig Economy' as an Online Business with no fixed costs or overhead included.

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