Monday, August 2, 2021

'Ad Free'​ The Gig Economy

'Ad Free'​ The Gig Economy

The Gig Economy is a Services-based Market, many online services fall into one of the five areas listed below for your information:

About: The Gig Economy

  1. Creative: Products are delivered to clients as a service.

Examples are:

  • A Graphic Artist that creates logos.
  • A writer that's paid to create ad copy or
  • An Artist who creates portraits from pictures that clients upload to your website.
  1. Organizational: your website is based on memberships then it is considered as a service website. Your members pay for access to group services in exchange for a renewable fee.
  2. Hospitality and or Labor: You rent out your apartment as part of the online marketplace for vacation rentals using sites such as, Or you compete with cab companies and offer your services as and independent driver through mobile apps such as and or These are examples of the Online Services industry in the Gig Economy.
  3. Professional: These are people such as accountants, attorneys, public relations agents etc. Not only do you offer such services online but clients can purchase the services over the world wide web as well.
  4. Software-based: Known as Application Service Providers (ASP) or a Software As A Service (SAAS) Provider. This is considered as a hybrid of a service and product. Companies uses their websites to sell software and or a process that is delivered and or managed as a web-based service.
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