Monday, November 1, 2021

Job Experiences and Your Resume

 Job Experiences and Your Resume


This can include any:

  • Short-term Jobs
  • Contract Jobs 
  • Company Advisor Positions
  • Non-profit Board Member Positions
  • Religious Non-profit Board Member Positions
  • Any Work Experience weather you were in a Paid Position or Non-Paid Position


Many of of the positions listed here does not mean that you only have to list any Job position that included a W-2 Slip to qualify as REAL Work.

Below are other Social Webpage Administrator Roles that you may have missed and their Job Duties/Descriptions as well for LinkedIn. 

Their descriptions may be listed different on other Social Websites such as Facebook etc. 

Paid Media Admin roles on a LinkedIn Page include Landing Pages admin, Sponsored Content poster, and Lead Gen Forms manager roles. Each role allows you take specific actions on behalf of your Page.

Sponsored Content poster and Lead Gen Forms manager admins can take specific actions on behalf of the Page through Campaign Manager. Landing Pages admins can manage leads through LinkdedIn Recruiter

Page admin access on a LinkedIn Page consists of the super admin, content admin, and analyst roles. Each role gives you permission to perform a set of tasks on behalf of your Page.

 Advertising, Accounting, Careers, Business, Finance, Economics, PR, Marketing, Child Support, Taxes, General


Job Monsta your source for career, business, personal finance, economics, workforce development, taxes, child support and advise. Read career advice from Job Monster's proven experts.

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The Advise and Strategies contained in our website herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Job Monsta shall not be liable for damages arising herefrom. 


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