Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Welfare Work Requirements

 Welfare Work Requirements

Job Monsta @ jobmonsta-amp.blogspot.com

Are you between the age 16 – 59 and still able to participate in the US Workforce?!

The general work requirements included below for SNAP:

  • registering for work,
  • participating in SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) or
  • workfare if assigned by your state SNAP agency,
  • taking a suitable job if offered, and
  • not voluntarily quitting a job or
  • reducing your work hours below 30 a week without a good reason.

You're excused from the general work requirements should you meet of the following criteria:
  • working at least 30 hours a week (or earning wages at least equal to the federal minimum wage multiplied by 30 hours)
  • Meeting work requirements for another program (TANF or unemployment compensation)
  • Taking care of a child under 6 or an incapacitated person
  • Unable to work due to a physical or mental limitation
  • Participating regularly in an alcohol or drug treatment program
  • Studying in school or a training program at least half-time (but college students are subject to other eligibility rules).
If you have to meet the general work requirements but you don’t, you are disqualified from getting SNAP for at least a month and must start meeting the requirements to get SNAP again. US welfare-to-work strategies.

Workfare, the umbrella term for welfare-to-work initiatives

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