Monday, August 16, 2021

'Ad Free'​ Endorsements


Endorsements How-to

About: Getting Endorsements 

Endorsement are very easy to give to get to help recognize and induvial skill set in particular.

But endorsing a persons skill set can show the community that a person really has what it takes to get the job done.  

Highlight important skills via an Endorsement 

By just having your skill set in particular as Endorsements in your profile lets recruiters and haring managers really know that you as the individual have the skills to get the job done for your current occupation.  

Did you know that Endorsements Are Independent of a particular position! 

Yes when you Endorse an individuals skill set it's tied to that persons entire profile and not to one job that has been held many years ago.  Endorsement are much more specific then Recommendations! Your contacts can make it more precise to endorse your skill sets in particular then to write an recommendation.

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Job Monsta your source for career, business, personal finance, economics, workforce development, taxes, child support and advise. Read career advice from Job Monster's proven experts.

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