Saturday, November 13, 2021

Job Seniority

Job Seniority and Income Taxes

From: Joel Elad MBA LinkedIn For Dummies
Masters In Business Administration Quote Joel Elad MBA

After all a person who has been doing a particular job for at least an estimated 1 or 2 yrs for example like a Web Developer just may have very different needs than a person who has been a manager at that job for 10 to 15 yrs.

You can specify someone's Job Seniority: years of experience by different levels as listed below:

  1. Training
  2. Entry alias Entry Level
  3. Senior
  4. Manager
  5. Director
  6. VP and
  7. CXO shorthand for CEO, CFO or yes CTO
For Income Tax purposes should you be in Training you are to be considered as still participating in The Workforce alias Labourforce and engaged in work or a Work-activity according to various Workforce Training Policies such as:

  • The Community Block Grant
  • State TANF Work Verification Plan
  • The Workforce Investment Act etc....
Training can include:
  • Employment and Training
  • Education and Training
To learn more about this checkout The Department Of Labor, BLS Burue Of Labor Statistics, just for a great start to learn more about Jobs and Money. 

In addition be sure to request a copy of your State Work Verification Plan and learn how your State also verifies that a person is working with its 'State Work Verification Plan' that is and additional Fraud Fighting Tool for income tax purposes.